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Starting at a new workplace can be stressful for anyone, whether you have years of experience or are just beginning your career. Here are a few expert tips on how to navigate the first 30 days on your new job:


  1. Be the Early Bird 当早起的鸟

  This sounds pretty banal but you'd be surprised how often people fail to heed this standard advice.


  Reaching the office early for the first few weeks gives you more time to complete all the extra formalities required by the human resources and payroll departments. It will give you more time to explore and absorb your new surroundings.


  Arriving early also gives you time to network. And of course it helps impress the new boss by showing your eagerness to work.


  2. Ask Questions 多问问题

  If you need help with something, don't hesitate to ask people around you.


  It shows your managers that you are interested in learning about your new job and company. More importantly, the answers will help you adapt to your new surroundings quickly. But, don't forget social and professional etiquette.


  Don't ask personal questions in the initial days. Try to limit yourself to general or work-related questions.


  3. Watch Your Body Language 留意你的身体语言

  Your actions can give away a lot more than you think. Slouching, frowning, folding your hands, rocking back-and-forth in your chair or shaking your leg constantly, are some gestures that might give the impression that you are nervous, not confident or are too casual about your job.


  4. Be a Listener 乐于倾听

  In the initial days, listen more and talk less. When you talk more, you might unintentionally speak out of turn which might be perceived in a wrong way. Listening and observing can help you learn more about your peers and managers and their way of doing things. You might even overhear some office gossip, but try not to get sucked into office politics.


  5. Arrive Ready to Learn 抱定学习的心态

  Change is always difficult, but if you're joining a new organization, come prepared to soak up a new culture, different ways of doing things and take on new responsibilities.


  Try not to say things like “In my old job I used to do this”. That could make you seem too aggressive or even annoying.


  6. Don't Rush to Shake Things Up 不要急着去改变

  If you are joining as a manager, don't be in a hurry to make your mark.


  We normally see people come in and make a quick assessment of what is happening, and start making changes quickly.


  That's not a good idea because it can cause friction with your new team and lead to resistance.


  Instead, take your time passing judgment and consider introducing your way of doing things slowly while you communicate with your team as often as possible.


  7. Adapt to Your New Company's Values 适应新公司的价值观

  One should understand the mission of the company, its core values, and align one's goals and aspirations respectively. This is especially true for people at mid- to senior-level positions, who might be too entrenched in their previous company's cultures.


  It might help to devote some time to go through the “About Us” section on the company's Web site.


  8. Join the Club 加入业余俱乐部

  Many companies organize events or games for their employees to encourage informal interaction.


  That's your opportunity to get out there and blend in with the crowd. So if there's a quiz or a football game being held by your new company, consider participating.


  9. Network, Network, Network 交往、交往、交往

  Don't wait for company events to make friends and meet peers. Introduce yourself over a cup of tea or lunch in the cafeteria or even around the water-cooler. Exchange greetings and ask for advice. People will be flattered that you have reached out.


  When possible, also reach out to people outside your department. Down the road, they could be your eyes and ears to what's happening in other parts of the company, and who knows, you might want to work in a different department at some point. Also, don't forget to build good relationships with senior people around you.


  10. Manage your Manager 搞定你的上司

  Let's face it, getting off on the right note with your boss can help make or break your job. Try to develop a strong professional bond as early as possible.


  Get clarity regarding your role and the expectations from you. Discuss the “do's and don'ts” of your job, which could include basic things like what time you are expected at work, and how often you have to update your manager on your progress.


  Apply these principles and within no time you would have made a place for yourself in the organization.





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